Thursday, February 10, 2011

two weeks in...

So, I've been in school for two whole weeks now. I think that I am going to enjoy the work in my classes, but the classes themselves are a little stilted. One class I am taking is quite awkward as it is small, the instructor keeps asking simple questions of the class and everyone just stares at her. I'm 90% sure it's because no one wants to talk and not that no one knows the answer, but I'm pretty sure the instructor thinks the class is full of dummies. It is all very awkward.

When writing an "about me" statement for a class today I was reminiscing on my past and what I was passionate about. I have always loved writing theatrical pieces based on historical or factual research. Both parts of the journey give me a great thrill and it's something that I want to start doing again.

Over the past few years I feel that I have lost sight of myself and what I am passionate about. Always afraid to be me. It's weird because part of me thinks I am awesome, but another part is quite self-loathing. It's like an angel and a devil- one on each shoulder. I'm working on listening to the person in the middle.

Now I sound crazy. Haha, oh well.

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